
Sustainable urns
The raw material for making our felted urns is wool. We mainly use naturally colored wool from local growers on Funen or elsewhere in Denmark, where the transport distance is short
Wool is an abundant and renewable resource, but it is often discarded because there is no longer a sustainable Danish manufacturing chain. We use a lot of wool that would otherwise have ended up as waste.
Wool and silk dyed with environmentally friendly dyes are used for decoration. Wood, leather and willow as well as snail shells and stones are used for closures.
In the manufacturing process, only water and soap are used. The urns are then lightly starched with natural starch.
Wool completely decomposes in the soil and because it contains useful minerals and organic substances, it even leaves it enriched. .
There are many different takes on the climate impact from sheep and thus also wool. It is a very complex calculation. We consider wool to be a valuable resource that has the potential to be used much better than it is now. Wool leaves no chemical waste and breaks down completely in the ecological cycle.
When we claim that we make sustainable urns, it is necessary for us to deal with our impact on the climate and environment, in addition to sustainability in a broad sense. When you manufacture a product, you simply cannot avoid using resources and energy. We use resources with consideration and we recycle where possible. In this way, resource consumption and expenses are reduced. Here are some of our efforts:
Our employees are employed in small, gentle flex jobs, and we thus contribute to a spacious labor market, in addition to which we greatly benefit from their good skills.
The felt workshop is set up in an old model joiner's workshop, and as much as possible, it has been funished with recycled furniture.
We use bubble wrap as a work tool, because it's insanely practical. Our plastic is used many times and then recycled. If we can get our hands on it, we use bubble wrap that was other people's packaging waste.
We reuse other people's packaging if we can get it, and we buy packaging from recycled raw materials. We avoid plastic packaging as much as possible.
We sort our waste.
Power for lighting and heating water comes from wind power.