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Questions for Uurna's felted urns - FAQ
Price and dealers
How do you get a felted urn?
You ask the funeral director, who is taking care of the funeral, whether it is a possibility. Perhaps it will even be one of the options presented to you when you are choosing an urn. The map here shows funeral directors who know about and sell our urns.
What if the funeral director does not have felted urns in his range?
Then you can contact us, after which we will contact the funeral director. Then we deliver an urn - through the undertaker or directly to you.
How much does a felt urn cost?
At most funeral directors, the urns in our range cost approx. 2000 dkr. In some places, they are more expensive, others a little cheaper. Funeral directors calculate their profit margins differently, and we have no influence on that.
If you have special requests for colour, shape or decoration, there may be an additional charge because it will take longer for us to make.
Can you buy the urn directly from Uurna?
In the vast majority of cases, we deliver through funeral directors, who buy our urns from Fuglebjerg Kistefabrik or Nordic Funeral.
Can you buy an urn even if you are alive?
If it is not a death, but a living person who would like to provide his own urn, then it can be purchased directly from us.
Do you have more
If you have more questions, write to us at
Why are we called
It all started with Line's thoughts about a more beautiful urn, perhaps a felt urn, when her mother died in 2016. Line's mother came from Finland, and in Finnish UURNA means urns. From there we set about developing our felted urns.
Material and design
What are the urns made of?
All our urns are felted by hand from pure wool.
Can you decide the color yourself?
All our models can be made in other colours, but then they will be unique, and there will be an additional charge.
Can the urn be closed with something you have found yourself?
We can make closures with most things and are happy to do so, as long as it is not harmful to the environment. These can be objects that have been important or that express the bereaved's relationship to the deceased.
How long does a felt urn take to turn to mulch?
The wool will usually have degraded within 5 years.
What about moths?
Wool is a natural product, and our urns are intended to be part of nature's cycle. Spraying with poison is no longer an option. Therefore, moths and woolly moths pose a risk. If the urn is to be displayed for a longer period of time as an exhibition model, you must be aware that wool-eating insects also like felt. Check from time to time whether there is a little wool dust under the urn. It could be a sign of moths.
If you see traces of moths, the urn can be put in the freezer for a week or so, during which the moths and larvae die. The process is repeated if necessary.
As a funeral director, if you keep the urns in storage, they are best kept in separate plastic bags.
Where does the wool come from?
We get wool from local sheep breeders who have the animals on unsprayed areas.
We buy dyed wool from suppliers at home and abroad. They guarantee that the sheep have been treated with consideration, and the wool is dyed according to ökotex or Gotts standards. It also happens that we plant-dye urns ourselves, but those urns will be found under unika.
Are they made in Denmark?
All the urns are made in Filtværket in Odense.
Who makes them?
Line Eskestad (visual artist) and Mette Østman (felt maker) have developed the urns alongside Pia Busk (ceramist).
We are the ones who make the urns together with the employees at Filtværket. Here we employ people in so-called mini-flex jobs, i.e. with working hours of 4-10 hours per week. Felting is a friendly and patient craft that is beneficial for people with different safeguarding requirements.
Are they really handmade?
Yes. All urns are felted by hand in our own workshop Filtværket
Can the urns be used for mechanical filling?
The urns must remain in the boxes in which they were delivered during filling to ensure that they will not be pressed by the machine.
What do the crematoria say?
The urns have been discussed and tested in consultation with several of the country's crematoria.
Although there is no formal approval procedure for urns in DK, they have been approved by Tom Olsen from the National Association of Danish Crematories.
The formal requirements for funeral urns in in Denmark can be found here. You may look elsewhere for local requirements in other countries.
The urns BIRK (birch), STEN (stone) and UGLE (owl) plus our small urns have been approved for use in Norway and Sweden.
If you happen to experience objections from a crematorium or a funeral director, please just contact us. We always manage to find a solution.
Is the urn tight?
The urn is tight, but all urns are nonetheless delivered with a degradable bio bag into which the ashes are filled.
Can the urn be sealed?
Yes. You can insert a metal wire through the holes of the closure and then seal the wire.
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