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Sustainability - at Herlufsholm cemetery

Mette Østman

Updated: Jul 10, 2024

Come and meet us on May 18 at 9-15 at Herlufsholm Kirkegård. They invite you to a conference on sustainable farewells, and we have a stand where we exhibit and talk about our urns.

The cemetery is quite special, because they have been thinking green thoughts for a long time and working for sustainability and bio-diversity. It's a beautiful and lush green haven with wildflowers and bees, plus burial sites.

Along with us, there will be other exhibitors with several suggestions for what a cemetery, funeral and cremation can be, if you want to make room for nature and more wild beauty.

It is free to come and everyone is welcome. The invitation can be downloaded here

Hvid filtet UGLE urne med lukning af snøre og drivpind, placeret på en græsplæne og omgivet af gule og lilla blomster.




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